Monday, October 8, 2007

Purpose of this Blog

The purpose of this blog is to highlight and offer insight into the programming of Sigma Theta Epsilon on a national level.

The blog will contain what I call “Discussionals”. They will be something that is a hybrid mix of devotionals and discussions. I’ll try to prompt us with some scripture, some of my insight, and some questions, and then hope we can come together, as fellow workers with our God, to find the applications and implications for our lives individually and corporately. This takes the place of the monthly devotions that Shannon Wagers, who was National Vice President before me, posted on a regular basis on our online discussion boards.

It will also contain snippets about the programming theme, and other programming issues within the fraternity. I would love it if chapters would submit highlights to me so I could post updates of really good events, power uses of the fraternity for the work of God, and outstanding implementation of the Program Book (once it has been distributed, of course).

I will also, on occasion, post a link to an article or some other sort of thing that catches my eye, where I think deep thought and discussion on the article or topic might prove beneficial to going deeper in our program theme, our desire to be fellow workers, and/or our walks with Christ.

I invite participation from everyone. Active brothers of STE, pledges, alumni, honorary brothers, friends of STE, or people just curious as to what or why or how of a National Christian Fraternity. I just ask that we keep it civil, and PG-rated.

So come. Discuss with me. Deepen our walked together. Let iron sharpen iron. Let us become fellow workers on new, deeper levels. Let us understand each other and grow together.


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