Sunday, February 24, 2008

Empty in new Light

It is my intent to put up a mini discussional/devotional each day of Lent. But, I may fall of that pace. I'd ask anyone who reads this to keep me accountable to it, however. Lent is a time for us to reflect and grow, and I feel that with each day bringing a new discussional/devotional and a prayer combining our program theme and Lent we can accomplish each of those in a better way. If you have a discussional/devotional for Lent that you'd like me to include, send it to me via e-mail at

Sundays in most traditions of Lent, and with anyone I've known that has practiced Lent, are traditionally viewed as "mini resurrections". They do not count towards the forty days of fasting/abstaining from *whatever*, and are days when we focus more on the resurrection than on the crucifixion. That will be my focus on Sundays, as well.

When I think of the word empty, it doesn't usually bring up good feelings.

I get sad when my bank account is empty. I'm very hungry when my stomach is empty. It's a pretty big bummer when my cupboards are empty.

Mary Magdalene was sad, too, about empty. When Jesus' tomb was empty on Easter morning, she was sad. She thought someone had stolen His body.

But when the truth was revealed to her, she was filled with joy. With this truth, an empty became a hope. And another thing in this crazy world of ours was turned upside down by Jesus' life and teaching.

Think about this, the next time part of our lives are empty, physically or metaphorically. Where can we find joy, where we don't expect to find it? Where can God turn our worlds upside down?

Join me in this prayer:
Sovereign Lord,

Thank You for that empty tomb
For the joy that is in my heart
Each day because of it

Thank You for emptiness in my life
And the ways You provide
To fill those holes

Thank You for all You are
For all You do.
For all You will do.

Thank you for atonement
Thank you for you
Thank you for love


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