In the twenty-second chapter of the Book of Genesis, we're given a strange tale. It's the story of Abraham and Isaac, and how Abraham was tested by being instructed to offer his only child, Isaac, as an offering to the Lord. This is odd for two reasons: 1) it seems unusual that God would ask anyone to kill their child and 2) Isaac was the vessel by which God was to deliver his promise to Abraham.
And yet, without full understanding of the why, Abraham obediently followed God's instructions, and at the end of the day, all was well, as God provided a substitutional sacrifice for Isaac.
I imagine that in the face of the cross, the followers of Jesus were confused as to how their leader dying on a cross and facing public humiliation was really a part of God's plan. Many of them probably wondered why Jesus didn't use his trial to show His power, and free His people. But they were asked to trust, obey, and follow, and they were rewarded by being a part of the most amazing events in the history of the world.
Today, there are many things I don't understand. I don't understand why God allows suffering, poverty, and disease, despite a population of wealthy people who could do something to fix it, many of whom claim to be His followers. I don't understand why God asks me to give up certain things when others are allowed to keep them.
But as I journey to the cross, I'm comforted to know that I don't need to know all the details. All I need to know is that my God and my Savior is in control, and He will lead me down the path of best returns. So, while it's okay for me to ask "why?", it's also okay for me to not get the answer that really explains things.
I ask that you join me in seeking an attitude of "trust and obey" rather than "give me all the details first". Let's be like Indiana Jones and take the step, even when we can't see the bridge.
Join me in this prayer:
Sovereign Lord,
Thank You for providing a blueprint
To follow You in all times
When it doesn't make sense
When alternatives seem smarter
When public scorn will result
When public praise will result
When our thoughts seem clearer than Your way
Thank You for helping to keep us on Your path
And may You always guide us along it
Bring me to atonement
Bring me to you
Bring me to love
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