Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Walk to Remember

It is my intent to put up a mini discussional/devotional each day of Lent. But, I may fall of that pace. I'd ask anyone who reads this to keep me accountable to it, however. Lent is a time for us to reflect and grow, and I feel that with each day bringing a new discussional/devotional and a prayer combining our program theme and Lent we can accomplish each of those in a better way. If you have a discussional/devotional for Lent that you'd like me to include, send it to me via e-mail at

Sundays in most traditions of Lent, and with anyone I've known that has practiced Lent, are traditionally viewed as "mini resurrections". They do not count towards the forty days of fasting/abstaining from *whatever*, and are days when we focus more on the resurrection than on the crucifixion. That will be my focus on Sundays, as well.

Today is the final Sunday of Lent. In a week, we will be celebrating the resurrection of our Lord. And today, I want to look at what happened the evening after the resurrection.

Two of the followers of Christ were downtrodden, and on a journey to a village called "Emmaus". And on this journey, an amazing thing happened. Jesus appeared to them, though they did not recognize Him, and in conversations He did another amazing work.

The Gospel of Luke tells us "beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself."

What an amazing thing to have happen. To have Jesus Himself teach you about how all the Prophets pointed to Him, and how He fulfilled all their prophesies.

And from this we can take the desire to share our knowledge of Christ. For these two journeyers ran back to tell the others of their experience.

And so I challenge us to live a life where we are always willing to learn more of Christ, but also willing to teach of what we have learned of Christ.

Join me in this prayer:
Sovereign Lord,

Thank you for knowledge
The knowledge that drives us forward
The knowledge of you

Help us to learn all we can
And share all we can

Of You
Of Your ways
Of Your truths

Thank you for atonement
Thank you for you
Thank you for love


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