Wednesday, March 19, 2008

What's in Your Cup?

It is my intent to put up a mini discussional/devotional each day of Lent. But, I may fall of that pace. I'd ask anyone who reads this to keep me accountable to it, however. Lent is a time for us to reflect and grow, and I feel that with each day bringing a new discussional/devotional and a prayer combining our program theme and Lent we can accomplish each of those in a better way. If you have a discussional/devotional for Lent that you'd like me to include, send it to me via e-mail at

We're probably familiar with a lot of the passages we'll be looking at this week. In looking at the scriptures recounting Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday, we're faced with very, very familiar scriptures.

But, that doesn't mean we can't find something new to consider in the familiar scriptures.

Think about Jesus' prayer the night he's betrayed. "My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I want your will to be done, not mine."

Focus on the cup ... and what it might represent. Recall, that under the old law, in the Old Testament, we often see references to God pouring out a "cup of wrath" on the nations.

I just read that in a commentary.

And it struck me about the exchange that went on.

Gone, can be our fear of God's pouring out a cup of wrath. Entered into, now, a new covenant, to drink from a cup of love, and get an inheritance.

What a blessing.

What a transformation.

What joy we should have from this.

Let's take some time and honestly celebrate the new cup, the new covenant, and the replacement of wrath with love.

Join me in this prayer:
Sovereign Lord,

Thank you for changing the world

For bringing a new message
Of Hope
Of Love
Of Sacrifice

Help me to be a worthy bearer of your new message

Bring me to atonement
Bring me to you
Bring me to love


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