Sundays in most traditions of Lent, and with anyone I've known that has practiced Lent, are traditionally viewed as "mini resurrections". They do not count towards the forty days of fasting/abstaining from *whatever*, and are days when we focus more on the resurrection than on the crucifixion. That will be my focus on Sundays, as well.
If you're like me, you love to be amazed. You love when something makes your jaw drop and you say "wow".
Maybe the moment occurs when watching a sports game. Someone climbs the outfield fence and robs someone of a homerun and you say "wow". Someone hit a ball five-hundred feet, and you say wow. Someone caught a football after absorbing a big hit and having to jump several feet in the air, and somehow maintained his balance, and you say wow. Someone chipped a golf ball in to the hole from a sand trap, and you say wow. Someone splits three defenders and throws down a tomahawk dunk and you say wow.
Maybe the moment occurs when watching a movie. There's a giant explosion, and great special effects and you say wow. There's a beautifully done plot twist that you didn't see coming, and you say wow. There's a great speech that moves you and makes you emotional and you say wow.
Maybe the moment occurs when you hear a speech. Someone talks about their missionary work, and you say wow. Someone talks about their desire to help battle poverty, AIDS, and malnourishment, and you say wow.
There are an almost unlimited number of examples I can cite here. But the fact remains, we like the wow factor. We like to be amazed. We like to tell other people about it. And we like to tell other people about what it is that wowed us.
And I can think of nothing more amazing that a resurrection of the dead. I cannot fathom anything that can make me say wow more than someone overcoming death itself. And that's exactly what Jesus did.
Wow. Our God is amazing. Now what are we gonna do about it?
Join me in this prayer:
Sovereign Lord,
You are truly amazing.
Thank you for amazing us
And for giving us that emotion.
Motivate us to respond
To your amazingness
In an appropriate manner
Help us to motivate others
And share your wow factor
With them to motivate others
Thank you for atonement
Thank you for you
Thank you for love
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