Imagine how you'd feel if you're watching the Star Wars Saga, and instead of it being as we know it, the Saga ends during The Empire Strikes Back, when Luke has fallen down a shaft, Han is frozen in carbonite, and the Galaxy at large is in disarray. Doesn't seem quite right, does it?
Or, imagine the Harry Potter series ends when Dumbledore is killed. Rather than seeing the rest of the wizards rally to a stirring victory, we're left with the world in chaos, and the lasting image is a dead leader. Not exactly something you want to read about over and over again, is it?
Or, if Aslan never returned in The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe. Or if Neo was unable to stop Agent Smith in The Matrix and sacrificed himself with no end to the terrors? Or if The Lord of the Rings ended with Frodo dead at the hands of Shelab? Or ... well, you can put in any number of movies, books, and sagas here, but I think my point is coming through.
Imagine yesterday (Good Friday) was the end of the road. There was no resurrection. All we had was a great teacher, with some great speeches and some revolutionary ideas (think about the Sermon on the Mount, for example). Some of the teachings probably survive to this day, but that's probably it. The world would never be radically changed by Jesus.
This is a depressing thought for me. When I consider it, there's no joy, hope, or faith in this made-up scenario. It's not pleasant in the least bit.
But when I meditate on that for a minute, and then think of the truth, of the power of the resurrection ... well, it makes my joy in that truth just a little larger.
And so I'd invite you to join me in that meditation, and to expand our joy of the entire truth of Christ Jesus, our Lord.
Join me in this prayer:
Sovereign Lord,
Thank you for the cross
For the out pouring of your blood
For the atonement of sins
Thank you for your teachings
For sharing your wisdom
For providing words to live by
But most of all
Thank you that there's more to the story
That the story doesn't end there.
Bring me to atonement
Bring me to you
Bring me to love
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